Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the positive about negatives

This past summer I spent a month at Kala Art Institute's Residency Program in Berkeley, California. I was accepted there for my work in alternative photographic processes. My goal was to use images that I had taken throughout the school year and print them on a cyanotype silk fabric. Ultimately, the images would come out looking like this:

(minus the wrinkles of course)

After some failed attempts at getting all my images to print out perfectly on this fabric, I began to just admire the images as they originally were, in negative form.

The best part about photography is that you can look at the same image in so many different ways and have it mean so many different things.


Shlee said...

These were film?

Anonymous said...

I really like these, I find them haunting-


Kerri O'Neill said...

they were digital negatives made on transparencies.